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Managing node and package manager versions


Manage the node and package manager versions by using volta. Volta also allows you to standardise the versions of node and the package managers used in a repository with volta’s config.

Great if you can enforce using volta across all of the codebases you work in or you can consistently rely on a default version of node. Not great if you need to use the version of node specified in a .nvmrc file.


Install volta.

Terminal window
curl | bash

Install default versions of node and package managers which are used when there are no package managers.

Terminal window
volta install node@20
volta install yarn@1
volta install pnpm


Inside of a repository, you can pin the node version and package manager to use in the package.json file with the following commands:

Terminal window
volta pin node
volta pin pnpm



If you need to use the version of node specified in a .nvmrc or .node-version file, use fnm, a node version manager built in Rust. One of the key selling points is that it can change the version of node when you change directories.


Install fnm.

Terminal window
curl -fsSL | bash

Setup fish according to these instructions. Add the --use-on-cd option to the fnm to change node version when you change directories.

fnm env --use-on-cd | source

Add the --corepack-enabled option to use corepack to manage package managers like pnpm and yarn.

fnm env --use-on-cd --corepack-enabled | source

See other fnm options here.

Add fish auto complete.

Terminal window
touch ~/.config/fish/completions/
fnm completions --shell fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/

Restart your terminal.


mise is a new up and coming “everything” version manager? See this nice breakdown on the differences between mise and volta.


Terminal window
brew install mise
mise settings set experimental true
mise use -g node@22
mise use -g npm:@antfu/ni

Enable Corepack.

node = "22"
"npm:@antfu/ni" = "latest"
experimental = true

Verify that it is working.

Terminal window
mise doctor


Can read the required node version from .nvmrc and .node-version.

Terminal window
mise missing: node@18.20.4
$ mise install is another performant node version manager written in Fish that respects .nvmrc and .node-version files. Unfortunately, it does not have native support for changing the node version when changing directories.

Take a look at this comment to see a DIY implementation of changing the node version when changing directories. I ran into issues with modifying the script to also install the node version if it wasn’t already installed and jumped ship to fnm.